Solutions for banks, fintechs, exchanges and more

Customised to your organisation’s exact requirements

Crypto Custody

Zypto offers a full range of custody and wallet provision services for organisations that require custodial or DeFi solutions.

Multichain MPC Vault

This is the underlying technology behind centralised crypto exchanges and similar applications. Our solution allows exchanges, CeFi wallets, payment solutions, fintechs and banks to seamlessly integrate crypto custody into their offering.

Institutional crypto wallet infrastructure

Our wallet infrastructure platform provides infinite scalability and top-tier security. We can also help your company set up the optimum processes to ensure compliance with AML and Travel Rule regulations.

Would you like to talk?

If you’d like to talk over ideas, discuss possibilities and how we might work and thrive together, we’d love to hear from you. Please feel free to contact us and we’ll get right back to you.

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