Web3 represents the next evolution of the internet, promising a decentralized, user-centric digital ecosystem. As we transition from Web2, understanding the key players driving this transformation is essential. 

In the past few years, many companies have been fostering Web3’s growth since it surfaced. From Binance creating a new age for cryptocurrency transactions to Opensea enveloping digital arts and collectibles, many companies have facilitated immense growth in the Web3 space. 

This article profiles the top 15 Web3 companies in 2024, highlighting their innovations, impact, and future potential in shaping the decentralized web.

What are Web3 Companies?

Web3 companies are organizations that develop and operate technologies and platforms based on the principles of Web3, representing the next phase of the Internet. Web3 aims to create a more decentralized, secure, and user-controlled digital ecosystem than the current Web2 model. 

Web3 companies raised $1.9 billion in equity funding in the first quarter of 2024. This shows that investors recognize the potential of a consumer-owned internet, where data privacy and ownership are paramount. While debates continue about Web3’s feasibility and challenges, startups are already disrupting traditional models and becoming decentralized technology leaders. Whether through NFTs, DAOs, or decentralized apps, Web3 companies are shaping a more inclusive and user-centric digital future. 

Also, Web3 companies play a crucial role in supporting projects in the Web3 space. These companies specialize in assisting Web3 startups and established ventures with their operations, development, and growth. From strategic consulting to targeted marketing campaigns, these service providers ensure that Web3 companies thrive in this decentralized ecosystem. 

The Top 15 Web3 Companies in 2024


Starting off our list of top Web3 companies for 2024 is Zypto. This user-centric platform removes the complexities often associated with crypto, offering a suite of products designed for effortless participation in the Web3 economy. Zypto doesn’t just cater to crypto veterans; their easy-to-use DeFi wallet and smooth token swap features make it perfect for beginners to explore the exciting world of digital assets

The platform’s user-friendly Zypto Wallet and Zypto Pay gateway make it easier than ever to integrate crypto into your daily life. Explore the future of finance here and discover how Zypto can simplify your Web3 journey.


OpenSea is the pioneering NFT marketplace and a leading name in the Web3 space. NFT enthusiasts can browse, buy, and sell non-fungible tokens, showcasing over 80 million NFTs and 2 million collections. OpenSea offers high security and transparency. Users can explore digital items across various categories, such as art, gaming, photography, and music.

In 2023, OpenSea introduced OpenSea PRO, an advanced NFT aggregator that integrates with more than 170 marketplaces. The new platform provides pro collectors and creators with enhanced tools, including real-time insights into NFT collections and trends, optimized gas fees, and efficient NFT portfolio management.


The Web3 space is full of promise, but performance limitations and environmental concerns can hold developers back. Hedera was introduced as a decentralized public ledger platform to address these challenges.

Think of Hedera as the developer’s best friend. Hedera’s user-friendly platform offers a range of tools and services, including performance-optimized Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) smart contracts. This allows developers to seamlessly transition their skills into building blazing-fast Web3 applications. Hedera boasts an average finality time of just 3.32 seconds, ensuring your DApps run smoothly.

But Hedera isn’t just about speed. In a world increasingly concerned about sustainability, Hedera prioritizes eco-friendly solutions. This network consumes a miniscule amount of energy — only 0.000003 kilowatt-hours (KWH) per transaction. Compared to Solana, which gobbles up over 170 times more energy, Hedera is more energy-saving. With Hedera, you can build the future of Web3 with a clear conscience.


How we work is changing, and Braintrust is at the forefront. Forget the limitations of traditional recruiting agencies and say goodbye to exorbitant fees. Braintrust leverages the power of Web3 to create a decentralized platform that directly connects companies with a network of over 600,000 skilled freelancers.

Braintrust empowers businesses to bypass the middleman and access a diverse talent pool. No more sifting through endless resumes — Braintrust’s rigorous screening process ensures only the top-tier professionals make it through. This translates into companies finding the perfect match for their needs and freelancers landing projects that ignite their passion and utilize their complete skills.

But Braintrust goes beyond just matching talent with jobs. It’s a community-driven platform fostering collaboration and growth. Members can connect, share ideas, and learn from each other, creating a dynamic professional network within the Web3 ecosystem.


ConsenSys is a top Web3 technology firm known for creating various Ethereum-based projects, tools, and solutions. Founded in 2014 by Ethereum co-founder Joseph Lubin, ConsenSys’s mission is to assist businesses, organizations, and developers in leveraging and advancing blockchain technology.

Among its notable products are MetaMask and MetaMask Institutional, Infura, Linea, Diligence, and an NFT development platform. ConsenSys provides a wide range of Web3 software services, from blockchain and DApp development to DeFi solutions and tokenization services, encompassing cryptocurrencies, security tokens, and NFTs.


Chainalysis is a frontrunner in Web3 analysis, delivering compliance and investigation software to monitor NFT tokens and Web3 protocols in the metaverse. The platform’s services are trusted by government agencies, decentralized exchanges, financial institutions, and insurance firms in more than 70 countries. Moreover, Chainalysis offers educational cryptocurrency programs and certifications, making it a key player in Web3.


Republic is at the forefront of Web3 innovation, providing a platform to invest in startups and established businesses across diverse sectors, including real estate, crypto, music, art, and culture. You can start investing in top Web3 startups for as little as $50, and the platform offers a profit-sharing token called Republic Note.

The companies listed on Republic have backing from leading investors like Sequoia, Techstars, Lerer Hippeau, and Kleiner Perkins. Republic’s diverse portfolio features Web3 companies such as Rentberry, The New Shop, Bioverge, and HueDx.


When it comes to Web3 marketing, RGray is unmatched. RGray offers various services to enhance your online presence, including search engine optimization, promotional campaigns, and intricate design work. The team’s deep knowledge and extensive experience in the crypto and Web3 space allow them to navigate this dynamic field expertly. 

By providing specialized services catering to crypto startups, RGray ensures Web3 projects get the attention they deserve. RGray can be your indispensable partner as you establish and grow your presence in the digital frontier of Web3 and cryptocurrency.


Are you looking to buy, sell, or store your favorite digital assets? Okcoin offers a diverse selection of cryptocurrencies and stablecoins, catering to beginners and seasoned investors. The platform’s intuitive interface makes navigating the crypto market a breeze, and its focus on security and transparency gives you peace of mind as you explore the possibilities.

However, Okcoin offers more than just essential trading tools. The Web3 company stands out with its innovative feature — automated token purchases. Want to set a “buy and hold” strategy? Okcoin allows you to automate your investments daily, weekly, or monthly with minimal effort.

Accessibility is key for Okcoin. The platform is available on the web, iOS, and Android devices to manage your portfolio on the go. Okcoin also boasts a global presence with six offices, demonstrating its commitment to serving its ever-growing user base. With over 300 dedicated employees and over 1 million customers in 190+ countries, Okcoin is a trusted and accessible Web3 platform that fosters a sense of community


The world of cryptocurrencies can feel overwhelming, but Crypto.com makes having digital assets more accessible than ever. Forget juggling multiple platforms — Crypto.com lets you buy, sell, store, send, and track a massive selection of over 250+ tokens and NFTs, all within their user-friendly interface.

But Crypto.com isn’t just about convenience. With over 80 million users trusting them, you know you’re in good hands. Their 24/7 customer support ensures you always have help when you need it. Crypto.com unlocks the DeFi space with an easy-to-use wallet, smooth token swaps for seamless asset management, and the potential for stable investment returns. 

To sweeten the deal, users can get up to 5% cashback on every purchase with their crypto card — a Web3 company that puts money back in your pocket!


Consider Binance a one-stop shop for everything crypto! Binance launched in 2016 and has grown to be the biggest cryptocurrency exchange

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned investor, Binance offers a wide range of features. You can easily buy and sell over 100 cryptocurrencies, access educational resources, and earn rewards. The Binance platform offers advanced tools like margin trading, futures trading, and bots for more complex strategies. 

The biggest-Web3-company also allows you to stake crypto or add liquidity to the market for additional earning opportunities. Binance also supports trading NFTs and plans to integrate the metaverse in the near future.  


Gemini is a popular platform for buying, selling, and managing cryptocurrencies. Gemini offers a wide variety of options, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and over 80 other digital currencies. 

Unlike some exchanges, Gemini is centralized, meaning the Web3 platform holds your funds (like a brokerage account) — this can be a good fit for beginners who value security and customer support (available 24/7).

Gemini goes beyond just trading — you can also store and convert your crypto holdings. The Gemini platform has a dedicated stablecoin, Gemini Dollar, pegged to the US dollar for easier spending and transactions across various platforms.


Ripple simplifies international money transfers through its Web3 platform. Built on a secure open-source network, Ripple acts as a bridge between traditional currencies (like USD) and digital currencies (like Bitcoin). This allows for faster and cheaper cross-border payments compared to traditional methods. Ripple is a leader in this area, working with countries worldwide, including India, the US, and Europe.

One of Ripple’s key solutions is its central bank digital currency (CBDC) platform. This offers a complete system for countries to create and manage their digital currencies, including features for issuing, managing, and using the currency.


The Aave platform facilitates decentralized finance (DeFi) transactions by enabling users to lend and borrow cryptocurrencies. Similar to a traditional bank, Aave allows lenders to earn interest on deposited crypto assets. Borrowers, on the other hand, can access crypto loans with either variable or fixed interest rates. 

Aave offers an additional feature — staking its native AAVE token. Staking AAVE contributes to the platform’s security and grants users rewards in the form of additional AAVE tokens. It’s important to consider that while Aave offers benefits like earning interest and borrowing crypto, interest rates can fluctuate, and DeFi platforms inherently carry risks.


Polygon Labs, a Web3 company, has established a multi-chain blockchain system interoperable with Ethereum. The Polygon system prioritizes security, scalability, and affordability through open-source technology. 

Further demonstrating their commitment to sustainability, Polygon Labs takes a proactive approach to environmental responsibility, aiming to become climate-positive within the Web3 landscape. Empowering developers and investors is central to their mission, fostering a thriving community dedicated to building a more equitable future.

How to Invest in Web3 Companies

Investing in Web3 companies can be exciting, especially as the Web3 ecosystem grows. Here are some ways you can invest in these innovative companies:


you can consider investing in publicly traded companies actively involved in Web3. These stocks provide exposure to the Web3 sector. Here are a few notable Web3-related stocks: Coinbase (COIN), Meta (formerly Facebook), Apple (AAPL)


Invest directly in cryptocurrencies related to Web3. Some popular ones include Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and BNB (Binance Coin). These cryptocurrencies power much of the Web3 ecosystem, including decentralized applications (DApps) and NFTs. You can trade these cryptos here

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs)

NFTs represent unique digital assets crucial to Web3. You can invest in NFTs from reputable artists, creators, or platforms.

Angel Investing

Users can join in early-stage funding rounds for Web3 startups. Angel investing allows you to support promising projects and benefit from their growth.

Initial DEX Offerings (IDOs) and Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs)

These involve investing in a crypto company by participating in a seed round or buying its coin before launch. It is essential to be cautious and thoroughly research any project before investing.

Final Verdict

The future of Web3 is not just about technology; it’s about empowering individuals. By giving users more control over their data and digital assets, Web3 has the potential to create a more equitable and transparent online experience. Whether you’re a seasoned Web3 enthusiast or simply curious about the potential of Web3, there’s a place for you in this revolution. 

Transform Your Digital Strategy with Zypto’s Cutting-Edge DApps and DeFi Products

Zypto specializes in secure DApps and advanced DeFi solutions. Discover Zypto’s transformative products by visiting zypto.com. Dive deeper into the resources Zypto offers, and prepare to be a part of the Web3 future.

P.S.: We welcome your comments and questions, so please share your thoughts in the comment section.


  1. Fugazi

    I might have added a hard wallet company too, but overall this list seems complete 😁

    • Alex

      I agree 👍

      This additional layer of User / Investor Security might even increase it’s relevance – with an increasing number of more advanced digital attacks on Crypto Wallets / Assets.

    • Emerson Elton

      Great list. I would probably mention Coinbase rather than Gemini, but overall a good read and I learned a few things about some of the companies in this space.

  2. Alex

    Thanks for the intersting overview – learning a bit more about very known but also about smaller actors 👌

    Let’s see, if all of those will be able to keep their current relevance. Tbh on the CEX I am a bit sceptical.

    But regarding this – asmall notion / question about the Okcoin part:

    “The Web3 company stands out with its innovative feature — automated token purchases. Want to set a “buy and hold” strategy? Okcoin allows you to automate your investments daily, weekly, or monthly with minimal effort.”

    Is this feature planned for Zyptoapp too? 👀❤️‍🔥

  3. Mark Fraser

    This post by Sam Daodu on Zypto’s blog provides valuable insights into the top 15 Web3 companies in 2024. It highlights their groundbreaking contributions to the decentralized web and showcases how they are shaping the future of the internet. Read the full article to discover the key players driving the next generation of the web! #Web3 #Blockchain #Crypto #Zypto

  4. Aaron

    Its a fast moving enviroment and plenty of exciting projects. Im going to look into a few more of these listed on the blog.

    A good read from Zypto, i’m glad I found a few things worth researching more from this.

  5. Lynn

    Some very big names here at the top of their industry. It’s going to be interesting to see the growth of web3 over the next few years.


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