Decentralized exchanges (DEXs) are popular alternatives to regular crypto trading platforms. They allow users to buy, sell, trade, and invest in...
Crypto Info and Education from Zypto
What is Ethereum and How Is It Different From Bitcoin?
If you’ve ever wondered “what is Ethereum”? and how it differs from Bitcoin, you are not alone. Though Bitcoin retains the industry’s l...
Stablecoins Explained: Bridging Cryptocurrency and Traditional Finance
The crypto market is a vast ecosystem boasting an impressive $2.4 trillion in capitalization. As an enthusiast or investor, your portfolio likely c...
What Are Soulbound Tokens? A Beginner’s Guide to SBTs
As the crypto industry continues to develop, new projects are built by the day for different purposes. One of the latest additions to the ever-grow...
Vitalik Buterin: The 30-year-old Dropout Who Revolutionized Blockchain
In 2013, Vitalik Buterin, a 19-year-old from Toronto, published a whitepaper that would forever change the digital currency space. This whitepaper ...
What Is An EVM Wallet?
Click here if you’re looking for the: Zypto EVM Wallet App. In the cryptosphere certain innovations are worth highlighting due to their signi...
How Blockchain Adoption Transformed Businesses: Stories of Boom
Over the years, blockchain technology has been a leader in terms of innovative models for several businesses. Not only has the adoption of te...
DePIN: A Guide to Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks
In the rapidly evolving Web3 landscape, decentralized systems are revolutionizing various sectors across the globe. With so much going on, DePIN (D...
A Beginner’s Crash Course in Onchain Analysis: Everything You Need to Know
Many crypto traders use fundamental and technical analyses to understand market data and price movements before they trade. While these are effecti...
Web3 and Blockchain: How Blockchain Technology Contributes to Web3
The internet, an integral part of modern life, is experiencing a transformation with Web3. This new era of the web is designed to place users at th...
What Is the Crypto Fear and Greed Index & Why Is It Important?
The fear and greed index is a sentiment analysis tool designed to measure the emotions dominating the market at a given time. Originating from trad...
6 Top DeFi Trends in 2024
Decentralized finance is growing parabolically without any end in sight. This technology aims to create a financial landscape where individuals hav...
What is An Ethereum Wallet Address?
Like every other digital transaction, an Ethereum wallet address is used to send and receive Ether between two parties. For instance, instead of ph...
Top 7 Biggest NFT Marketplaces to Check Out in 2025
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) became popular in 2022. However, despite the craze reducing after the NFT boom, the digital assets remain valuable to ow...
How to Earn Passive Income From NFTs: A Beginner’s Guide
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) had a massive run during the 2021 bull run in the crypto market, with various digital collectibles storming the market. ...
The Mysterious Success Tale of Satoshi Nakamoto, the Pseudonymous Creator of Bitcoin
If you’re into cryptocurrency, the name Satoshi Nakamoto is likely to ring a bell. This mysterious person (or perhaps a group of people) crea...
Web3 and Blockchain : What Are Layer-1 and Layer-2 Scaling Solutions?
Web3 and Blockchain technology have taken the world by storm with revolutionary features, and one key attribute is Decentralization — the ability...
What is a Paper Wallet in Crypto and How Does It Work?
If you’re familiar with crypto trading and investing, you already know by now that a crypto wallet is one of the essential tools required for suc...
Nick Szabo, the Story of the Man Behind the Smart Contracts
Nick Szabo is credited with coining the term “smart contracts” and proposing the concept itself. Over two decades later, his idea has r...
What are Smart Contracts in Blockchain and Web3?
Picture a world where agreements execute themselves automatically, without the need for lawyers, middlemen, or even the slightest chance of tamperi...
Crypto Scams and How to Avoid Them
Cryptocurrency trading and investing can be profitable. However, it has been established over time that crypto assets like Bitcoin and Ethereum are...
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