Good morning, Zyptonians!

It’s finally Zypto App launch day! Exciting times!

There is a slight change of plans and today we will only be going live on Android.

Apple requested some documentation for third party APIs last week. It was duly sent and we assumed it would be approved by now as that was the only thing requested, however it hasn’t.

So, new plan! Today we will release Android, but without Zyptopia for Holder Rewards, as we thought it wouldn’t be fair to iOS users.

The second we get the green light from Apple, we’ll let you know and we’ll have a second launch day to look forward to!

In other news:

  • We’re pleased to announce that “the Dubai Deal” has now been signed and integration will begin soon.
  • Next week the Zypto Team headed by Zypto Co-Founder and Chief Operations Officer Joseph Parkin, will be attending Consensus 2024 in Austin, Texas. There will be a lot of networking with existing partners and clients, as well as a lot of showing off Zypto App and opening doors to new opportunities. Meetings have already been booked in with some very influential people. Wish us luck!
  • We are also beginning the integration of GatePay for in-app purchases and for Zypto Pay V2, as well as at least one other exchange’s close-loop payment system.
  • Our new Reloadable Virtual Cards are almost ready for launch, as well as other new card programs.
  • The coming months are going to be much more dynamic, with very regular additions to Zypto App, Zypto Pay V2 Gateway launch, partnership announcements, etc.

We’re super excited. It’s finally happening!!!


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