Glory Adebajo


Cryptocurrency Journalist


Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife


Bitcoin, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Whitepapers


Glory currently works as writer at Zypto, a revolutionary crypto payment platform where he writes about blockchain success stories and emerging trends in blockchain. He also talks about emerging real-world use cases of cryptocurrencies, especially in payments, web3, metaverse and virtual reality.


Glory Adebajo is a Medical Doctor turned Cryptocurrency writer, journalist and trader. He is a Blockchain Council-certified professional blockchain writer with over 3 years of experience. He wears the hat of a trader and writer who has published top ranking articles on blockchain architecture.


Glory earned his medical degree from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. He earned his place as Certified Blockchain professional after earning his medical degree. Glory transitioned to blockchain because of his passion and staunch belief in the Blockchain technology.

Articles by Glory Adebajo

Crypto Millionaires: 5 Amazing Crypto Success Stories

Cryptocurrency has made many people millionaires in recent years. Most of these people are early investors who saw the value and potential of digital currency before most others did.  While some call these crypto millionaires lucky, they actually took smart risks and waited patiently for their investments to grow. That’s beyond luck. In this article, […]

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